I will admit, I read about the cervix all the time once I started studying midwifery as a teenager, but I really had no idea what it looked like. People described it looking "like a donut," feeling "like the end of your nose..."
I was intrigued, but really I didn't have a good idea of what a normal, non-pregnant/laboring cervix was like until I watched a PAP smear being done. The Certified Nurse Midwife who I was working with at the time was more than happy to let me see and do everything she was doing, and the woman was extremely happy to let a student examine her cervix (I'm so grateful that some people like her don't mind!).
I hope that these pictures won't gross you out.... (okay, they are no worse than this picture below, except that they are in color!)
If you don't know what your cervix looks like, check out this daily "diary" of a cervix
You'll see the changes with the menstrual cycle and how different a cervix looks during menstruation vs. ovulation time.